Permanent Missions, NGOs and headquarters staff are cordially invited to attend an interactive panel on
The Role and Responsibility of Men in Preventing Violence Against Women
Monday, 25 February 1.15 pm
Conference Room 2, UN Secretariat Building
Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of men who are working hard to end all forms of violence against women throughout the world. To accelerate this momentum and create a critical mass, the United Nations Secretary-General will, as part of his multi-year campaign to end violence against women, enlist the support of men leaders in mobilizing men and boys for action.
Please join us in a dialogue with a survivor of violence, a government official and three men activists on the intrinsic contribution and responsibility of men in preventing violence against women in an inter-active panel.
Michealene Risley, women's advocate, author and award-winning documentarian
Marie Delva, a "face of courage"/survivor of violence who turned adversity into opportunity to help herself and other survivors in Haiti
Todd Minerson, Executive Director, White Ribbon Campaign - the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women
Captain Aimable Mushabe, a Rwandan military officer implementing measures to protect women against violence
Prateek Suman Awasthi, a young leader actively working with Indian youth and women to end violence against women
Kevin Powell, writer, author of seven books, including The Confessions of a Recovering Misogynist,and political activist involved in pro-feminist and anti-sexist work
For further information, please contact:
Patricia Cortes, Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW), Tel.: 1 917 367 3197, Email: